- used to make data-based decisions
- helps find a vector of grows for product
- must: be quick, be precise, collect as much data as possible
- it is ok if raw analytics data is hard to read
- main way: we have object that contains data(name, event type, details) that sends when some event triggered
- investigate groups of people that have some patterns
- tools: google analytics
- main ways: polls, hit-maps, focus groups
- investigate how some patterns lead to general(quality) things
- tools: microsoft clarity
best way is make quantity analytics and based of that make quality research
analytics is not liked by regulators
- microsoft clarity(heat-maps, cursor track, scroll data etc)
- google analitycs
Logging + Monitoring
Logging collects data and monitoring helps analize data
We log and monitor to
- collect statistical behavior(response time, how often breaks etc)
- hardware usage in general(memory, cpu etc)
By this we can find that something went or potentially will go wrong
- grafana - backend
- sentry - frontend
used to store result of some costly operation, so we can use some memory space to save on computation power and lower computation time
main problems:
- cache invalidation
- memory leak(fixed by proper invalidation)
Cache invalidation
- ideal: data comes to an app and system updates/invalidates cache
- hard to develop/update, slow, costly
- simple: invalidate after some period of time(usually 5min) — Time Limited Cache
- can cause memory overflow if there is unexpectedly large request count at short period of time
- fixed in size queue systems:
- LRU(last result used) - if full, release something from back and add new to front
- can’t optimize for frequently used resources
- LFU(last frequently used) - build simple map to track how often resource is used and prioritize its place in queue based on this number
- LRU(last result used) - if full, release something from back and add new to front
- ideal: data comes to an app and system updates/invalidates cache
FE cache
- in-memory(global object)
- cookies
- have build in time limit
- small, works everywhere
- under 60kb in total size
- can be set to domain and used across it
- local/session storage
- locally save page state
- file system(read-only, write is deprecated)
- basically it is API that is used to manipulate with some folder, that user gave permission to
- works in chrome to write, but in MDN marked as deprecated and read-only
- react deals with memory leaks with JS garbage collector
- if we need to change memoized value we just recreate it with hook and old hook value just dies
- cache can be written with DB or even handled in-memory only(like done in GO)
- redis - back-end cache
File Upload
for most use-cases can be handled with S3(Amazon solution for file handling), which is an industry standart
based on custom protocol
based on bucket system, where each bucket is a key(url to file) - value(file + metadata + config) pair
technology that allows to create connection between client and server works similar to eventListeners, where you can send event and listen to it
- easy to create cons:
- it is hard to maintain two way communication, because you basically will re-invent HTTP inside websockets
- short-poling - front-end sends request with small delay to receive info
- long-poling - front-end creates connection, which is closed when server have some updates
- SSE - infinite HTTP connection is opened, from which back-end is sending info to client. Only one way
CI/CD(continuous integrations / continuous delivery) - flow of development process
- always keep changes close to main branch
- main branch - representation of current program version
- all changes constantly sent to production
- CI/CD must be fast, reliably, automatic
- ensures constant relies flow and development efficiency
- run unit tests, linting
- compile build and pack to zip
- send to server
- FE - S3, CloudFront(cache invalidation)
- BE - docker
- integrate with other resources(Sentry(logging), Jenkins(AQA), Jira, Slack)
- it is hard to integrate with Sentry, because we don’t won’t to have sourcemaps on production, so way out - use Sentries tools to map before build
- blue/green
- Jenkins, GitHub(have ready to use market of CD tools), GitLab(good for custom integration tools)
CDN(content delivery network) - network to distribute content globally
AWS + S3(Amazon) - main way todo
- cheap, reliable, fast cons:
- bad Africa support
- less flexible
proxy server engine for static files(alternative to S3)
- self hosted
- flexible cons:
- harder to setup
- worse global distribution(same problems as with BE CDNs)
main problems:
- DB sync
- can be optimized with region specific data stored in that region DB
- easy to use, reliable, fast cons:
- expensive
- addictive(hard to change to other architecture + has unscalable prises)
IT teams
It is important to delegate work, but do it properly, for that you need:
- to have plan of actions, with steps and statuses, so you can make quality checks on each step
- to have PM/PO as pair of eyes, so you have other expertise
- to be able to find info on you own
Micromanage - bad way
Each team should have this roles(one person can take both positions / one position can have more people):
- PO - directions, in wich team moves
- PM - decomposition of PO view + time delegation
- Business analytics - in-depth knowladge of domain/task + good descriptions of tasks
- Designer - design :)
- can work as BA in cases where design is integrated to product
- FE+BE devs - implement tasks
- can work as BA if there is no BA
- can work as AQA
- QA - auto+manual checks of tasks
- can grow to BA or to auto testing
Stack & Heap
Each program takes some space in memory in this way(memory layout):
- TEXT - instructions of program
- initialized data + uninitialized data + stack - all with fixed size, which is pre-allocated before program run
- stack is always limited
- stack data is stored as close as possible
- can’t be used for large OR dynamically sized data
- heap - some memory region that can be expanded in any time via system request
- systems requests are requests from our program to OS, which is passed to hardware
- it is slow, because we are including some overhead, like load/unload previous snapshot of CPU state, our current command load etc
- it is main reason why stack is much faster, because it is already pre-allocated
- also heap is slow, because we need to search for free memory space
- it is slow, because we are including some overhead, like load/unload previous snapshot of CPU state, our current command load etc
- all heap data is still take some stack space in form of pointers
- heap suffers from fragmentation(when we have huge amount of small chunks of non-continuous space between other data)
- happens because data in heap can be added/removed in any order, unlike the stack
- dynamic data in heap is handled via data structures
- linked list, so we write data in place, where there is just enough space
- array list OR vector - basically array that can resize+realocate itself
- be careful with heap because of
- null pointer - pointer that points to nowhere
- memory leak
- dangling pointer - pointer to deallocated memory
- systems requests are requests from our program to OS, which is passed to hardware
RX - coding paradigm, that in its core has work with events(event emitter and event listeners)
- functional
- easy error handling
- reduces concurrency problem
- elegant cons
- hard to enroll
- big package(for RxJS)
- slower then other alternatives
Rx lib for JS
- observable - invokable collection of future values or events
- observable emits some data to subscribers
- can be different types
- hot observable - always emit values
- cold observable - emit values only if someone is subscribed to it
- push/pull model, where push always do smth, but pull do smth if received a request to do so
- observer - collection of callbacks that know how to listen for Observable values
- typical observer is obj with methods:
, that are callbacks, that take value from observer and do something with them observable.subscribe(observer)
- typical observer is obj with methods:
- subscription - execution of observable, used to cancel execution
- returned from
and used to unsubscribe later
- returned from
- operators - pure functions to deal with collections(map, reduce, concat) and help easily compose some async logic
- can be used to
- pipe data through Observables
- create(be a factory) new Observables
- create higher order observables
- operators have cache, so something like
can compare previous values with current
- can be used to
- subject - equivalent to an EventEmitter and special type of Observable, that allow multicasting a value/event to multiple Observers
- you can call any number of
on single subject, when observable is unitask
- you can call any number of
- schedulers - centralized dispatchers to control concurrency, so we can coordinate when computation will happen
- basically allows to control how, when and in what context our observable emits to observers
- for example, we can make all emmitements async, by piping through
- for example, we can make all emmitements async, by piping through
- basically allows to control how, when and in what context our observable emits to observers
- visualization for RxJS -
Glob Patterns
Used to search for some set of pathnames, that match glob pattern
- originally introduces in Linux, now used in many languages as well as shell
String can do wildcard match with one ore combination of:
- used to match any number of chars*
- match everything, except slashes**
- match all dirs, that are inside current dir*(patterns)
- match all patterns- example:
- match all md files in nested dirs
- used to match single chars- example:
- match all files, that have “at” in them, without case restrictions
- example:
- used to match ranges and character classes[ABC]
- match all files, that has upper case “A”, “B” or “C”- note: not allowed to be empty
- match all files, that has any “a” to “z” letters, like in regex
is used to add “not” logic for pattern\
is used to escape chars in pattern
can be similar, but NOT equal to regex
mainly used in scripting, automation etc
Used to match substring in a string via pattern/rules
- commonly global, but may have some differences(flavors) in different environments
regex have:
- match with characters
- literal match
- example:
- example:
- character set - match single character from group
- example:
- special cases
- range operator - removes the need to write some common ranges like: alphabets, number ranges etc
- lowercase eng alphabet\[A-Z]\g
- uppercase eng alphabet\[0-9]\g
- 0..9 range
- range operator - removes the need to write some common ranges like: alphabets, number ranges etc
- note
- we can combine sets like this:
- acts as NOT
- we can combine sets like this:
- example:
- literal match
- special symbols
- quantifiers - used to find some amount of smth
- 0+?
- 0 or 1+
- 1+{n}
- n-times{n, }
- n-times+{n, m}
- n-m range inclusive- note
- quantifier is working with one symbol, but we can match group via capture groups
- logical OR- example:
- example:
- escapes spesial symbol()
- capture group - used to capture some group of some patterns- example:
\I like (you|her)\g
- group can be referenced with index, like this:
- we would reference previous mach exactly
- example:
\(hi) Mike. \1 Peter\g
- group can be named like this:
- we can reference by name:
and replace with$<name>
- note: replace is language based feature
- we can reference by name:
- example:
- quantifiers - used to find some amount of smth
- character classes - used to avoid some common character sets or patterns
- anything, except\n\r
- similar to
in glob pattern
- similar to
- any eng word character -[a-zA-Z0-9_]
- opposite to\w
- digits -[0-9]
- opposite to\d
- space, tab, newlines etc -[ \t\r\n\f]
- opposite to\s
- find match at start/end of the word
- lookarounds - adds a possibility to check if data satisfies our pattern, but without including it to actual match
- computationally expensive
- types:
- lookbehinds - (not)match pattern if lookbehind is came before it
- positive:
- negative:
- positive:
- loohahheads - same as lookbehinds
- positive:
- negative:
- positive:
- lookbehinds - (not)match pattern if lookbehind is came before it
- note: we can place lookbehinds and lookahheads in any place of the pattern and not strictly before/after something
regex modifiers(can be combined)
- match all accuracies- computationally expensive
- match between lines(ignoring line breaks)^
- assert position at the start of the line$
- assert position at the end of the line- combination of
enforces to match whole word
- combination of
- you must remember about case sensitivity
- (non)strict matches: one or more spaces, what comes before/after etc
Animation is one of the things, that can sell your product
key to great animation:
- animation often better than no animation
- but animation must have a purpose, caze too many cause overload
- use cases:
- enrichment of visual perception
- enter/exit state change
- not recommended use-cases
- repeated actions(example: keyboard binded), caze it slows down experience
- it should feel natural, alive-like
- animation must be fast, snappy
- this increases speed in perception of a user
- from UX point of view, animation can’t block user interactions, that partially achieved with fast animation
- great starting point is
(fast -> slow) with bellow300ms
of time execution
- it must be performant
- it is important to keep animation smooth and optimized
etc- if you want to deviate from opacity+transform, it is important to incorporate hardware-accelerated animations, that don’t depend on main thread via Web Animation API or CSS animations
- as said before, animation must be interruptible and non-blocking for user
- it can be achieved with frameworks like Framer Motion(or other with support for interruptiability) OR with vanilla CSS transitions(built-in support)
- we must remember
and similar configs, that can be accessed via media queries and disable or change animation to smth simpler - animations must be cohesive and systematic
- it is important to take some time and perfect important(or better all) animations
- it is hard :)
- it is important to take some time and perfect important(or better all) animations