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Stripe guide

4 players involved in online trans

  • Cardholder: person who pays
  • Merchant: business owner(client of Solidgate)
  • Acquirer: bank who processes payment(Visa, MasterCard)
  • Issuing bank: bank of cardholder

Payment Methods

  • Credit Cards
  • Digital wallets(Apple/Google Pay)
  • Bank debits
  • Buy now pay later services
  • Cash via ATM


  • Indirect(customer pays)
    • US - sales tax
    • EU - value-added tax(VAT)
    • Canada - goods and services(GST)
    • Japan - consumption tax(JCT)
  • Physical goods - depends on shop-from. ship-to, product category
  • Online - based on local laws

Offline sales - 90% of all sales

  • users should have same experience for on(off)line
    • payments methods and benefits must be the same
  • it its good practice to support magnetic stipe, but it less safe


  • flexible subsc logic(different types of payment: per month, per order)
  • invoice problem: it is must have for big purchases, but must be country based
  • minimize failed payment attempt
    • send failed payment emails
    • send schedule emails
    • add backup payment methods


  • main problem: you becoming bank-like struct that moves money from buyers to sellers
  • problems
    • you need to know many info about customers(not to get penalty), but also it makes onboard process more complicated
  • moving money
    • one-to-one: one customer - one seller
    • one-to-many: one big pay - several sellers
    • holding: customers pays - seller receives with delay
    • account debits: platform takes fees
    • subscriptions

Transaction flow:

  • checkout completion -> fraud protection -> network acceptance Checkout Form
  • collects minimal data to make operation
  • fast loads, minimal fields, autofill support, UI/UX
  • Apple/Google Pay support
  • support of local currencies and methods + adapt to local standarts Fraud
  • chargback is bad for marchant, cause it must pay chargback fees as well as moneyback
    • rule-based
      • block transactions from IP, Country, by Amount
    • AI
    • Net acceptance
  • bank will check info and decide to accept/denay
  • this decision is made by amount of info and amount of prev operations

PCI standards - security guidelines

  • tokenization

  • 3D Secure

Anatomy of Swipe

Marqeta - company to create cards and payment рахунки Stripe - money gateway

Visa/MasterCard - Payment Networks of banking system

Money Route(mostly happens by Dual-Messaging)

  • Authorization(ISO 8583)(~3 seconds time delay)(holds money)
    • message goes from terminal to Acquire Processor with data like(amount, location, card number, Merchant type)
    • network provider detected and rerouted
    • first six digets are detected(bin - Bank Identification Number)
    • bank checks data and decides to approve/not
      • is it proper bank
      • is card active
      • is enough money
      • is card can be used
      • is it legit activity
  • Clearing/Capturing(moves money)(manual/auto)
    • Settlement - post moving process when all money moved
    • During settlement Payment Network will take fees and send bills
    • Merch Acquirer takes it fees monthly
    • when settled operation will be changed from pending to completed A number of parties are involved in money transaction:
  • card networks - visa, MC
  • merchant acquirer - company that give interface to make payments for merchants
  • issuers - banks

chargeback(should be bellow 1%)

  • zero liability police insures that customer can mark transaction as fraudulent for free and have moneyback(but card change may/must be needed)
  • 30% of reports - stolen cards
  • flow
    • report -> card freeze -> bank calls for chargeback via Card Net -> transaction goes back to customer -> Merchant is requested to explain and send chargeback with-in 45 days
  • merchant reaction
    • do nothing and pay
    • dispute(impossible if transaction done by magnetic stripe || not likely if CVV won’t present)
      • pay fees to dispute
      • show proves
        • bank covers cost

3D Secure - 2fa like method to make transaction more secure(EU more | US less) EMV - safety standarst(manged by EMV co.)

  • 1.0 - done by pin code
  • 2.0 - done buy “Yes” button inside mobile app

know your customer

  • get some info from your client so you can verify and identify him

interaction types

  • swiping - magnetic stipe
  • dipping - chip
  • tapping - phone transaction
  • entering - pc transaction

card network(card scheme)

  • main job to pass info from one side to other
  • sets rules for sides + format of communication(ISO8583) + format of dealing with problems
  • provide a license to use
    • Open(Visa and MC)
      • don’t do more than just transfer and marketplace function + don’t have favorites
    • Closed(American Express)
      • may have own cards and banks
  • make money buy taking fees per transaction OR with own brand cards

transaction types

  • debit | PIN Debit Purchase
    • lower fees + pin verification
    • Single Message
  • credit | Signature Purchase
    • higher fees + additional verification
    • Dual Message
      • auth
      • clearing
        • if there was fees they will be processed on this stage
  • atm
    • charges fees from client
    • Single Message

neo-bank OR challenger banks - online only banks(mobile-first)

  • offers lower fees
  • often this is not banks but tech programs that operates under some banks(unregulated often)

banks - only them can move money

  • functions
    • issue cards to people
    • serve as banks to merchants
    • facilitate movement of real money
  • TYPES(one bank can be both)
    • issuing banks
      • give cards to people
      • know your customer(KYO)
    • acquiring banks
      • serve as bank to merchants
      • legitimate merchants
  • TYPES by interchange
    • regulated - big banks(restrictions by law)
    • unregulated

each card has BIN(6 digits to identify bank)

taking payments

  • work with bank directly
    • harder but can give more benefits(lover fees, more customizability, less limitations, use other products to manage payments and hardware, percentage based fees, fast money settlement)
      • paper work
      • manage frauds
  • work with bank through ISO(independent sales org) - have license to sell banks services
  • work with payment facilitator(PF, PayFac) - very quick and gives starter pack(like devices)
    • often have fixed pricing
    • give tools to deal with chargebacks
      • fixed pricings can be high
      • sometimes low variety of options
      • all money movement can take days
      • flat fees
  • (PSP) payment service provider(Stripe) - aggregator for online payments
    • Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL) - buyer pays tp some 3d party company for some period, while seller get his money right away(high fees)

best practice - have a merchant experience team to help your merchants and etc flat fees - some amount of money not a percentage

BUSINES CAN CREATE THEIR OWN BRANDED CARDS co-brand partner - brand which is marketing card(Delta airlines who uses American Express card)

program manager - party that controls operations and operations

  • frauds, settlements etc

issuer processors - licensed party that holds MIPs of VIPs(hardware from MC or Visa to communicate with them)

  • approving/declining + integration and management with merchant + reporting to merchant and bank

JIT Funding(just in time funding) - possibility to smbd to control over some operation in real time(глово може управляти транзакціями кур’єрів наприклад)

KYC(know your customer) - practice to attach identity to user

  • usually collect bare minimum to further chek public info about customer
  • for gift cards there is procedure that spending is not require KYC, but loading money do
  • its important to add another verification method for people that don’t have public info AS WELL AS it’s a good practice to use multiple KYC providers
  • for small business there is a practice to check an owner

Credit VS Debit Cards

  • Both
    • sexteen-digit card number
    • expiration date
    • cvv
    • name?
  • Credit
    • 30days loan with charge at the end of period
    • usually user pays monthly fees
    • can be harder to get
  • Debit
    • lower payment rates for Merchants
    • less preferred because of risks that user won’t have money to pay for hotel of smth else
    • becoming more popular

Interchange - fee that Merchant pays to Bank of the card owner that payed

  • different for each bank and network but main differents are:
    • type of business
      • each merchant is classified with MCC(merchant category code) - depends on industry
        • some categories may be more fraudulent and riskier + different categories have different money amount flow
    • type of card
      • debit and prepaid - “good funds model”(works with real money)
      • different because of Network fees(because of Dual and Single Messaging)
        • make all debit purchases be in credit mode(some cards can be both debit and credit) as well as turn off pin verif(PIN-less Debit)
      • also high fee can be because of Company card vs consumer
      • credit fees are caused by people spend more + bank lowers chargeback
    • ”regulated” banks have less fees because of law restrictions
    • fast banks can have larger fees
    • if merchant provide Track 3 data(show all bought products) it can have less fees
    • some approach is to create bank+merchant card with super small or no fees(privat label cards)

Moving money without network

  • ACH(automated clearing house) - bank-to-bank via non-profit org “Clearing House”
    • batch based
    • used for online payments
    • slower
    • not all banks are supporting
  • Direct Deposit
    • often ACH transfer that can be electronic checks analog
    • used to pay check for employees
  • Peer-to-Peer
    • usually based on ACH
    • can be virtually immediate but on practice p2p app may move money couple of days
  • Zelle
    • if users from the same bank send each other money it happens instantly without settlement
    • Zelle makes such behavior similar for payments between banks OTHERWISE such transactions are treated as full money moving process
    • bank must be connected to Zelle network
    • user may need to login and use ids like phone number
  • Wire Transfer - way to move money(large amounts) securely between banks
    • faster then ACH
    • need confirmation and more expensive fees
    • need human operator to confirm transaction
  • RTP(rela-time payments) - smth like wire transfer but without confirmation and for smaller amount
    • near instant
    • low fees
    • works on push technology

Push-to-card OR OCT(original credit transaction), because no purchase goes along

  • fast(instant) because money available to spend instantly(and all moving process is done in background)
  • debit based

Virtual Cards

  • quick creation process
  • online payments of Apple/Google Pay

Expense Reports Alternatives

    • person purchase from personal card that connected to system
    • each purchase is tracked and at the end of the month revisions, corrections and payoffs are made
      • can’t limit spends in real time
    • EARNINGS // SaaS
    • person gets virtual card with already set budget + card have one time spend limit
    • alternatively person can pay with personal card and then have compensation with in app request
    • EARNINGS // Interchange fees