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Illustrate complex data relations, show trends, patterns and summarize information


  • COMPARISON - show diff and similarities in data
    • bar and column charts - represent simple nominal data
      • more complex data can be shown via stacked variations
      • DOs // start from zero, sort data, use single collor
    • horizontal/vertical dot plot - represent data with possibility to add color/dot size measurement
      • DON’T use dot plot for dense data sets
  • TRENDING - represent data change over time
    • line chart - represent one or more(usually up to 4) data change trend over time
      • DON’Ts // mix measurements, add to much values(lines), mix units
  • RELATIONSHIP - show relation/correlation between values
    • scatter plot - more complex variation of dot plot, often with size/color difference in dots
      • DOs // start from zero, highlight patterns via colors
  • COMPOSITIONS - show relative values, or values total makeup
    • pie chars - highlight relative value(percentages) of some absolute value
      • DOs // add 2-5 values, sort data clockwise
    • treemap - show composition of hierarchical data via nested rectangles
      • DOs // sort left-to-right + largest-smallest + top-bottom
  • DISTRIBUTION - show volume distribution, anomalies and patterns
    • heatmap - show density/concentration patterns for single value via color change
      • DOs // use single color + different shades
    • matrix chart - same as heatmap, but including more data via bubble size
      • DOs // use single color + different shades
  • METRIC - show progress
    • flat gauge(like line loading) - show progress towards some metric
    • polar gauge - show progress in circle
      • can be draining or filling the circle
    • ratings chart - similar to flat gauge, but have fixed steps and step count
      • example:
        • rating: |x x x 0 0|
        • flat: |====---|
    • DOs // add reference points(average, target etc), keep polar gauge big enough and use flat for smaller spaces
  • LOCATION - show data in geographic map
    • map - geo areas are highlighted via color
    • bubble map - dot chart on map
    • geo map - dot chart with different dot colors
    • DOs // show specific regions and not all globe, use single color
  • PIPLINE - show progress in stages and flow between stages
    • funnel chart - represent stages, based on value of stage
      • DOs // use related values, sort values
    • waterfall chart - break trending plot into stages, color rectangle from starting to ending stage values and you will get trading waterfall chart
      • DOs // use meaningful colors(increase, decrease, no change), show start-end of some period of time broken into stages
    • origami chart - show not sequential data, with single measure
    • sankey chart - show how value flow between two groups
      • can show negative data too

Color - important part of storytelling and user guidance

  • color pallet must be accessible and big enough
    • color pallet must work with light/dark modes via hue change
  • DOs
    • associate value and color across all charts
    • pie chart must use different colors and not gradient, use minimalistic colors
    • use color with cultural meaning, but remember that different cultures == different meanings
    • remember about accessibility
    • don’t overload interface(keep around 5 elements)