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Architecture is way to separate and abstract direct integration with machine, like HTTP request, from business needs

Base principles for good architecture

  • Have general naming, that can be understood not only by devs
    • example: AccountSelect - selector for Account entitie

Design Patterns

Pattern is a typical solution to common problem, that acts as customizable blueprint, meaning it can be changed to particular situation

  • it is not an algorithm with defined steps, but more like high-level concept
  • pattern consist of:
    • intent - briefly about problem and solution
    • motivation - deeply about problem and solution
    • structure - describes how each part of patter interacts with each other
    • example in code
    • applicability
    • relation with other patterns

Firstly, in popular media, patterns arrived with GoF book

  • historically, they were supposed to be used with Object-oriented design, but nowerdays, that’s not the only case

It is good to know and remember about patterns, caze they are like a toolkit to your work

  • pattern can also give an idea to how to approach not connected problem to it
  • it is important part in dev-to-dev communication, like common language

be careful with patterns, caze they can bring to you:

  • over abstraction
  • inefficient solution(when used without adaptation)
  • using pattern, where simple solution is enough
    • If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

patterns differ by complexity:

  • idioms - low-lever pattern, often bonded to single programing language
  • architectural - high-level patterns, that can be used in many languages and used as base for application design

patterns differ by intent:

  • creational - provides flexible and reusable object creation mechanisms
  • structural - provides flexible and reusable object combination mechanisms
  • behavioral - provides ways of how to effectively build a communication between objects and how to assign their responsibilities


Principles(not rules) for program creation

  • Single Responsibility - method do one thing and incapsulates it
    • otherwise we get two coupled methods
  • Open Closed - objects are open to extend, but closed to edit
  • Liskov Substitution - children must implement all of parent’s functional, not creating errors or additional conditions
    • children can be used instead of parent
  • Interface Segregation - don’t implement useless functional(make interfaces small)
    • one big -> several small
    • react example: big object as props -> several small properies
  • Dependency Inversion - all connections are build on abstractions, that can’t depend on realisation
    • abstractions can’t depend on details
    • abstractions have unified naming


Object-oriented programing - model, that organizes program as objects

  • Encapsulation - keeping logic and data togather(opposite to procedural model)
  • Hiding - splitting data to privat and public(part of encapsulation)
  • Inheritance - extending base class functionality with possibility to reuse code
  • Composition - alternative to inheritance, where we instead of inheriting from base class combining functions from small objects into big one
  • Polymorphism - possibility to have same flow for different objects that inherit from base parent
    • ad-hoc - by request
    • subtype - by type
  • Abstraction - use smth without need to know about realisation. Design object on a way, so only important thing are public


  • Model - store and work with data
    • storage, api operations, auth handling etc
  • View - visualize data
    • visualize data and handle local state(input state, form state etc)
    • stupid component
  • Control - layer that connects model and view
    • data processing, method calling from model etc


DRY - don’t repeat yourself principle in coding

DRY is also includes SST(single source of truth) principle, that tells that system must have only one source of data, that other parts relates to


KISS - keep it simple and short principle in coding

KISS ensures that system should be simple, clear and make complication if needed


General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns - group of 9 coding principles

  • Information expert - info should be assigned to class, that will use/need it the most
  • Creator - principles to choose who must create objects
    • Creator pass/owns data related to obj
    • Creator have many in common with obj
    • Creator uses obj
  • Controller - combine small controllers into big one
    • deleteUserController + createUserController = userController
  • Indirection - to avoid close coupling between classes add other class to handle it
  • Low coupling: low dependency, higher reusability, easy to change one class without changing other
  • High cohesion - similar to single responsibility + we should make classes packed(means: it must not have methods for other classes to use or useless methods for himself)
    • To achieve: break big classes/interfaces to small
  • Polymorphism - same as in OOP
  • Protected variations - create elements based on abstracts interfaces to avoid dealing with different variations
  • Pure fabrication - it is good practice to create classes that don’t have representation but serve to make system more maintainable


Gangs of Four - book about 23 design patterns


  • Singletone - only one class instance can be created, while providing global access point to this instance
    • solves problems of:
      • keeping shared state globally accessible and in single example
      • keeping shared resources like DB connection, logger instance same across all app
    • to implement simply make constructor private and expose it only to static create method, that will call it and save result to cache, which will be returned, when next call to create is done
    • NOTE
      • PROBLEMS
        • violation of single responsibility principle
        • shared state
        • coupling
        • harder testability
      • be careful when using in multithread environment
  • Factory - function for object creation(instead of default constructor), with possibility to override type of object we are creating
    • done by moving new calls into some factory method, which produces “products”, that can become needed type
      • type is overwritten by subclasses of a class
    • used to solve cases, where we need to create objects, that implements similar interface
    • via it we can achieve polymorphism, because users of this factory will work with similar interface and hidden implementation
    • NOTES
      • FactoryMethod can be just a part of some base class, it is still ok to put some logic into it
      • it is possible to couple one factory to multiple outcomes, depending on input
      • based on inheritance, so be careful with it
      • need your class to be expandable(can be done via classical inheritance of constructor too)
      • need to return already existing objects(not possible by definition of constructor)
      • need more robust interface, that constructor can give you
      • need context to create instance
        • context can also determine subclass, not only configuration of instance
  • Abstract factory - pattern for creating similar factories
    • used to solve cases, where we need to create sets of things(set is some category, like material)(thing is some object, that can be categorized)
      • all sets must be equal
      • each thing must inherit from abstract thing
      • it is important that factory itself returns abstract product and not is’t variation to lower coupling
    • basically, firstly user of abstract factory determines which set we need to use, after that creates this factory and the rest of an app can use it
      • need to work with families of objects
      • need to have expandability
      • one class starts dealing with multiple types at once
  • Builder - enables object creation in a step-by-step manner. Allows to produce different types with a single constructor
    • it is possible to make builders, that have similar interfaces, but different inner implementations
      • note, result of this builders can be different instances of different classes
      • it’s main use-case is to produce different instances with similar configs
    • you can add director, that will execute some builder steps, without needing it implement them
      • director can work as interface to client
      • director can’t give the result, to avoid binding director to concrete builder
    • builder can act as owner of instance it’s building(create, manage, return with reset to new object) or instance can build itself(new, do operations)
      • have too mush optional parameters for constructor
      • need to create different representations of same product
      • need to defer execution
        • such flow is better to do with builder-owner, caze it hold object until done and don’t give add ability to access partial solution
      • need to build tree
    • example
const pc = new PC(requiredData).enableWifi().build();
  • Prototype - create/copy obj instance from other instance, without class dependence
    • direct approach is to use class constructor with passing all the fields, but there are problems:
      • some fields may be private AKA impossible to pass from outside
      • dependence on a class
        • for example when working with object+interface and no class implementation(often case with 3d party libs)
      • logic spread(if you add new field, you need to go through all code base and fix copy operations)
    • usually done by declaring interface, that forces clonable objects to have some method(clone), that delegates copy operation to object itself
      • note, clonable object is called “prototype”
    • other use cases is to create a bunch of configs, save them and copy if needed, without need to manually create each time
      • you can even build some registry(hash map with additional methods) to store this configs
      • useful when you need to reduce number of subclasses
    • NOTES:
      • it is recommended to make construct handle copy from parameters and make clone as caller to new
      • be careful with subclasses, because they might not have access to superclass’s private fields, so call to super may be needed
      • be careful with deep clonning


  • Adapter/Wrapper - provides communication possibility between different objects
    • basically we converting interface of one object to other, so it could be understood
    • it is very useful, because we decoupling our code from other interfaces(usually 3d party) and can do easy migrations, just by changing adaptors
    • one way of implementing is to do multiple inheritance of both interfaces with method overwrite(when needed, you still mostly should rely on one of the interfaces, doing only adapting)
    • CONS // single responsibility, Open/Closed
      • you have some class that renders data to user, you specify interface for data and write adapters, that can change 3d party data format to yours
        • it can be done with just mapping data, but when talking about adapter it is more about wrapping one code into adapter layer, that provides an interface to communicating to it(so not only data exchange, but also method calling)
          • we are doing composition
  • Composite - compose different objects into one tree-like structure(graph), where all objects have same interface
    • example of same interface: Product and Box have same getPrice method, but Product just returns field, where Box need to recursively travers children
    • useful when your app can be represented as tree, when you need to work uniformly with simple and complex structures
    • structure
      • Component - defines similar interface, that composite and client are using
      • Leaf - executes
      • Container - stores children(don’t know exact type, and treats all of them as Components), delegates work
    • note, that Interface Segregation Principle is broken here, because some Container methods(like addChild), when added to Component interface, will be non implemented(empty) for leafs
    • it is useful to use builder for building trees, because it can work with tree like structures
  • Proxy - provides substitute or placeholder to another object, meaning it allows to do some action before or after request gets to original object
    • when working with restricted or resource intense operations it can be useful to add some optimizations, but it is not always possible to do it directly into original code, so we can use proxy wrapper, to avoid code duplication in all places, where we work with this object
    • proxy’s interface duplicates original interface with delegation of work to it
      • it is also possible to make proxy as subclass
    • proxy is doing object management by itself, without client interference(it stores reference to original object instance)
    • you can wrap original object creation into method, that can return original or proxy instance
    • use-cases: lazy initialization(virtual proxy), logging(logging proxy), caching(caching proxy), access control(protection proxy), local execution and network management(remote proxy), smart reference
      • & lazy initialization delays object initialization to time it actually used, to save system resources
      • & smart reference manages object usage, meaning proxy can check(from time to time) is object been used, and if not dismiss it
      • & network management - hide implementation details from client, make object available on initialization state(queue requests for example)
  • Flyweight/Cache - pattern that aims for code optimization, by sharing common objects between parts of an app from the cache
    • important part is that we are caching immutable state(or extraction immutable/intrinsic parts of state from general state)
      • intrinsic state - constant data, that lives inside an object
      • extrinsic state - mutable data, that altered from outside
    • basically we are breaking one storage into two, from which methods can take the data
      • for mutable storage we can just create data, for immutable it is important to check if needed data exists
      • for easier access we can place pointer inside mutable data to immutable for easier access
        • other variation is to always get immutable data from the pull, but it can introduce higher CPU usage
    • it can be useful to create factory for flyweights
    • flyweight pattern need to be implemented if RAM problem exists(or potentially can be), there is no need to overcomplicate code
      • use-cases: large object duplication, large state duplication
  • Facade - creates a simplified interface for complex object or set of objects(library, framework etc)
    • it faces the problem of coupling your code to 3d party code
      • arrives when working with complex code, where you need manage initializations, configs, order of execution etc
    • basically we providing simplified interface(it can be limited in compare to original one), that hides complexity and will be used in app
      • it is also useful for building layered architecture
    • it is possible to make several facades and combine them(or use independently)
    • system behind facade can’t know about it
    • facade redirects all calls to underlying system(it can’t create additional logic), but it also can do inner management(initializations, state etc)
    • don’t couple facade too much
  • Bridge - separate/decouple related classes into abstraction and implementation with bridge between them, letting them evolve in separate ways, but stay connected
    • explanation
      • in other words, we are creating bridge to communicate with one object from other object
      • abstraction is some interface, that delegates all work to implementation
        • implementation can be viewed as adapter layer between some other methods
    • implementation may look like this, do some abstraction with high-level interface, write implementation, that exposes interface of low-level operations to abstraction
      • abstraction can be extended, but with usage of same implementation
    • useful when
      • need to break monolithic structure into separate smaller structures
        • multiplatform
      • some structure need to be extended
      • hide implementation details
      • also, it allows to change implementation on fly
        • to do so you need to pass and keep instance of implementation inside abstraction
    • provides Single Responsibility + Open/Closed
    • example
const red = new Color('red');
const square = new Square(red);
// (inside) this.color.print();
  • Decorator/Wrapper - adds new behavior to object, by wrapping it inside special object
    • for proper work Decorator must follow interface of what it is wrapping
      • this way app can work with 1 interface, that have some inner implementation
      • also it adds a possibility to create several types of wrappers, that can be put inside each other and stack the behavior
    • basically we extending the behavior of base class, but with composition and not inheritance
    • it is important to keep order of doing decoration and calling inner wrapper consistent
    • decorators always delegates work to what it is wrapping, otherwise the chain will be broken
    • use-cases:
      • object behavior can be changed at runtime
      • it is harder to do the job via inheritance
      • your logic can be stacked
    • note:
      • it may be useful to create base decorator, that acts as a proxy to wrappee and extend other decorators from it
        • to avoid confusion with Proxy pattern, Proxy is managing lifecycle of what it’s wrapping by itself, where decorator is managed by client
      • it is hard to remove decorator once assigned
      • it may be useful to have some abstractions to configure needed decorator
    • example: HOK


  • Template method - define superclass template with/without implementation of methods, that will be implemented by subclasses, with one non-overridable “template” method, that calls other methods in specific order
    • you can break large operations, with similar steps to execute, into methods with some(or not) base implementation, that can be overwritten by sub-classes
      • it also enables polymorphism when later working with such sub-classes
      • basically we are moving similar code to base implementation, while keeping different code in sub-classes
      • it is also possible to add hook methods, that do nothing by default, but can be overwritten by sub-class to perform operations
        • usually placed before/after major operations
    • use-cases: steps of algorithm need to be changeable but not algorithm itself, set of classes have same algorithm with minor changes(avoids shotgun problem)
      • removes code duplication
      • makes large algorithm partially changeable
    • notes:
      • avoiding limiting functionality, but keeping structure, where it is not needed
      • Liskov Substitution Principle is broken here, because subclass can’t be interchangeable with superclass
      • maintenance may raise with number of steps
    • example: react class lifecycle methods
  • Mediator/Controller - restricts dependencies between objets, by becoming centralized communication method between them
    • direct communication between object can prevent code reusability and couple them to specific place(for example button, that knows too much about components incurrent form, can’t be reused elsewhere)
      • the solution is to couple object to centralized component Mediator, that can redirect calls to other components
      • for further decoupling we can make general form interface, that specific forms will implement
      • mediator controls only part of the logic, with delegating other part to it’s related components
      • components interact with a black box
    • one way of implementing a Mediator is by creating general interface with notify method, that object will call and interface’s implementation, that will react on such calls
      • notify method should have same sufficient protocol for all components
    • mediator can be implemented with events, as observer
    • in a way, Mediator is bi-directional Command
    • Mediator need to store references to all components and can manage state
      • moreover, mediator can control lifecycle of a component
      • be careful with making iterator a God Object
    • try not to create more then 1 mediator per batch
    • use-cases: decouple complex dependencies, create a way to reuse components in different contexts
    • example: tanstack form react can be viewed as mediator to other components of a form
  • Chain of responsibility - pass request along chain of handlers, where each handler can process(or not) request and pass(or not) it along the chain
    • there are approaches to it, depending on requirements:
      • do I need to pass it(routing middleware)
      • if I can process I will do and stop passing it(useful in GUI, remember how event bubbles in DOM and can be stoped)
    • similar to proxy, but for sequential operations
      • unlike proxy, we can break whole operation to small steps(single responsibility) and construct different “proxies” by combining this steps in a different manner
    • to implement you can create a class(all handlers must have same interface and can extend base class to remove duplication), that stores reference to next handler and have one method to do operation, which calls next handler OR you can create big Middleware class, that can do chaining
    • handler should be self contained and immutable + can be executed in any order
    • it is important to remember that requests can not reach to the end of a chain, or be unhandled
    • use-cases: access control, request handling(middleware), different types of handling defined at runtime, handling tree structure communication
  • Observer/Event-Subscriber/Listener - subscription mechanism, that let notify multiple objects about any event that happened to object they are observing
    • enables notification flow for observers, instead of more default approach of checking if something changed
      • avoids redundant requests
      • avoids spam notifications(notify only subscribed objects)
    • implementation
      • create Publisher object, that have something to notify about with array to store subscribers and methods to add/remove one
      • when something happened, Publisher triggers some predefined method, that each Subscriber must implement and sends some data with it
        • this way we are coupling Publisher to Subscriber interface, to make different Publishers work with any Subscribers we can give access to Publisher’s inner state(or use some generics)
        • it is also possible to make one Publisher handle several types of events via more robust storage system(Map<EventType, []>)
    • use-cases: notifications, dynamical set of subscribers, limited time observability
    • note that notification order is semi-random
      • usually notification is done in order subscribing, but it is not fully reliable metric
    • example: EventListener(JS), useState(react)
  • Strategy - define a family of interchangeable(at runtime) classes
    • allows defining a set of solutions to some problem, that can be chosen at runtime
      • note that each solution can’t know about other ones
      • basically we are removing code coupling and doing single responsibility
    • implementation may look like this: Context class with field to storing current Strategy and methods, that delegate work to current Strategy
      • Context or Strategy can’t change current Strategy, it is received in constructor and can be set later by Client
      • all Strategies have same interface(usually can be even only one execute method), that Context will call(so we can avoid coupling)
    • use-cases: object need to use set of algorithms without coupling logic(separate implementation from business logic, avoid large conditionals), selected algorithm needed to be changed at runtime, there are many classes with similar/same interface but different behavior, inheritance can be changed to composition
      • if you wanna do it in more inheritance and static way, you can use Template Method
    • notes
      • don’t overcomplicate code(if there are not too many algorithms, if algorithms won’t be frequently changed)
      • client is coupled to and manages Strategies
      • this pattern can be implemented as just function that passed as argument
    • examples:
      • (react) we have component that needs to render two things, instead of if/else we can implement two independent “small” components and pass them conditionally as prop
  • Command - turn request into object with all needed information
    • helps with separation of concerns, via layering an app into parts, which communicate with requests
      • note: part don’t directly trigger method on other part, it triggers method on Command object, which collects needed data and triggers needed methods
      • basically we are building uni-directional communication gateway
    • by design all commands should extend base command, that have only one execute method with no parameters
      • to send any data command should be preconfigured or be able to aggregate needed data on it’s own to prevent coupling(for example we can have one button, that stores command, but commands can be different)
        • important that configuration is done by external object(or client)
    • use-cases: pass request as parameter, add delay(possible to add command serialization), add queue, support undoable operations(via state history track(RAM problem) or revert operations(not always possible))
  • State - object has state and can change it’s behavior, based on it
    • main concept behind state is Fine-State machine, that works like this: there finite number of possible states in program and program is always in one of them, but can change to another, depending on current state(program is performing transition, where there are finite number of transitions)
      • state can be calculated from one or more fields
      • straightforward solution is write if/else statements, but it resolves in hard to maintain and understand code(coupling, breakage of single responsibility)
        • state machines can grow and bloat over time
    • to deal with bloat we can extract each state into own class, that inherits from same interface and pass each class instance into Context, that delegates all actual work to state class and exposes method to change current state
      • kinda similar to Strategy, but in this pattern one state class can know and operate(change current state to) with it
      • NOTES: interface can’t have useless methods and must be fully implemented by each State, State can(and most often should) store reference to Context
      • if you need access to private fields in Context use: class nesting, make needed fields public, delegate work back to Context
    • use-cases: state change behavior of object(with large number of states and/or frequent changes to state logic), class polluted with conditional statements, need to reduce code duplication between state(even if it is state transition logic)
      • try not to overkill with this pattern, don’t use with:
        • low number of states
        • not frequently changed code
  • Visitor - performs different operation on group of similar objects, separating algorithm from object it is operated on
    • used to fix problem, where you need to operate with set of different objects, without bounding execution logic to them
      • instead of integrating logic you can place it into separate class
    • there separate ways of how to choose method needed for specific class:
      • visitor can perform if/else checks to determine instanceof which class is our object and do it’s magic
      • using Double Dispatch, we can call accept method(that must be present on each object), that accepts visitor instance and calls needed method to operate on their own
        • this way we altering implementation of objects, but we aren’t bounding some alien logic to them and just adding sort of hook, that allows any visitor with base interface to be used with this object
          • even more, we can do method overload this way and keep interface simple
        • why double dispatch if we can just overload? Simple, often compiler uses safe path of early+static binding, where it finds the most safe variant before compilation to figure out if this operation is valid and, mostly it will result in call to base class and not the one, that inherits from it
    • note
      • visitor must be updated, when new class is added to hierarchy
      • visitor can’t access private fields
    • use-cases
      • iteration over different types, with possibility to prohibit iteration of other ones
        • good in combination with Composite
    • example:
class AreaCalc {
static visit(shape) {
if (shape instanceof Sicrle) return ...;
if (shape instanceof Square) return ...;
const areas = [cirle1, square1, circle1].map(AreaCalc.visit);
  • Interpreter - solve problems, that a defined with set of grammar or in language-like format
    • basically we providing some grammar, that can be interpreted into actions
    • implementation can be done by so:
      • define an abstract expression, that have interprete method and inherited by other expressions
      • implement terminal expression - simplest building block of grammar, like leaf node in Composite
      • implement non-terminal expression - container for terminal or non-terminal expressions, like Container in Composite
      • add Context, that can store additional data
      • client can build expression in for of AST, consisting of expressions, passes it to interpreter, which parses in in a tree way
    • use-cases: expression evaluation, language parsing, problem is represented as AST
    • be aware that it is hard to scale an maintain
    • examples: eval(JS)
  • Iterator - creates a way to traverse through a group of similar objects, without exposing underlying implementation
    • used to decouple implementation from traversing logic for different of data structures, even if they aren’t implemented via list
      • main idea is to extract traversal logic to iterator with standard interface(current, hasMore(), next(), prev()), that will manage all underlying logic(it is important to incapsulate this logic, so multiple iterators can work at the same time)
    • as a recommendation, collection should always provide a way to travers it
    • it should be possible to create iterator from client, but more often it is collection’s responsibility
      • iterator class is linked to other class via constructor
    • use-cases: remove traversal code duplication, hiding implementation details of traversal, creating similar way for client to traverse unknown beforehand Data Structure, stoppable iteration
      • note: don’t do an overkill for cases, where iterator is not really necessary
    • example: // JS
      • it is introduced by default in many modern languages with possibility to write own iterators co custom Data Structures
  • Memento/Snapshot - save and restore state of an object, without revealing it’s inner implementation
    • there are some cases, like undoable operations, where you need to record a snapshot of an object, but there are some problems with direct approach:
      • object may have private fields, that can’t be accessed from snapshot method
      • changes in object require changes in snapshot method(shotgun approach)
      • Snapshot class will need to expose all it’s state, thus making dependent code on it even more coupled and fragile to changes
      • this problems come from broken encapsulation(we are trying do the copy, instead letting object do it)
    • this problem is solved by letting owner produce a snapshot in form of memento object, that stores state and have some minimal interface to expose name, createdAt etc, but not actual data
      • in this solution restore is also must be implemented by owner and take in a snapshot, so history manager(caretaker) can just pass task to owner and don’t operate with actual data
        • caretaker->owner communication can be implemented via Command
    • Memento must be immutable and should be linked to concrete owner instance, thus we can support something like multi-window history
    • original implementation is done via nested classes to make private fields of memento accessible to owner
      • other implementation is done by creating memento interface, that caretaker will work with and memento implementation, that exposes it’s data and used inside owner
      • other implementation is done by creating memento that coupled to specific owner, so it can keep it’s data private and perform restore by itself, instead of letting owner read it
        • in this case owner must have public setter to it’s state
    • notes: remember about RAM, caretaker should track owner’s lifecycle to remove old mementos, JS and other “bad-boys” can’t guarantee that memento is private, Prototype is simpler analog for Memento(but it also can be used only with simple objects)
    • use-cases: undoable operations, direct access to object will violate it’s encapsulation, need separate history maintenance

Hook, useCase, Entity

To split responsibilities for logic inside app(React) we can operate with two things:

  • Object - class, that handles some static logic(calculate how chess piece moves)
  • UseCase - operates with reactive logic and with states(fetch api, change loading state) For React we can say that hook is wrapper for UseCase

Dependency injection (DI)

Pattern that helps achieve Inversion of Control(IoC)

Basically we can pass some object to class constructor and use it from inside, without creating instances also possible to inject by setting property

Usually it is useful to write custom class to mange DI, for example to save state across all injected objects, by creating or taking from cache instances

  • We can expand and add DI scope into other DI, so we can use one set of properties from smaller DI first and if smth missing go to upper DI

Useful for testing, because we can flush all state easily


Monad is a function that adds layer of abstraction into functional programing, so we can work with well known pure functions, but with hidden logic

Extends Functor:

  • function with data inside(context)
  • map - receive function, apply to data, return context with new data
  • get - return data
  • --- extensions
  • of - receive data, return data in context
  • flatMap/chain - receive function, apply to data, return context with new data avoiding any nesting of contexts

Useful monads:

  • Promise / Future - to work with some time delays
    • not 100% sure that it is a true monad
  • Maybe - returns smth or nothing(never for TS)
  • Either - returns smth or smth(often left - error and right - value)

it makes sense to incorporate such abstractions to avoid dirty code and make it composable

  • so it is note useful to pack and 3 lines later unpack a monad


Based on observer pattern. Subject don’t know about observer. Observer knows only that subject can change

  • Risk of infinite loops is present

SolidJS is observer and all of it components are subjects. So when output of components changes SolidJS is triggered and rerenders html

let current;
function createSignal(initialValue) {
let value = initialValue;
const observers = [];
const getter = () => {
if (current && !observers.includes(current)) {
return value;
const setter = (newValue) => {
value = newValue;
observers.forEach((fn) => fn());
return [getter, setter];
function createEffect(fn) {
current = fn;
current = undefined;
const [isSuccess, setSuccess] = createSignal(false);
createEffect(() => console.log(‘We have ‘, isSuccess() ?success!:no success yet…’);
// The above line will log “We have no success yet…”
setSuccess(true); // Expected result: We have success!

API Design


Naming must be short, descriptive, consist(style, case)


API must not give out useless data


Mutex is a pattern, that used to avoid race conditions and similar problems, when working with async

(JS example) One of the way to “cook” it, is creating sharable Promise, that can be hold and released, so if one async operation is in progress, other will be locked, awaiting for the Promise, so:

  • removing race condition
  • queuing events